
Monday, March 12, 2012

Rainy days

They call for cooking, snuggling with the puppy and a little crafting (and homework if you've got it). So today, I made us some crockpot lasagna and Texas toast. The lasagna turned out perfect, it's the recipe from my Pinterest faves. The Texas toast, well let's just say I burned the first batch I made.

For my little crafting I made a headband from some leftover pieces from the rug I made this weekend.

Super cute right? All you need to do is cut three strips of shirt and pull them tight so they start to curl. Then start braiding... Braid until its a little smaller than your head and sew the ends together securely. It should stretch so you can fit it around your head. Voila, you now have a super cute, custom headband. I think I am going to make it in a couple more colors :)

Coco has been super cuddly today which is awesome. She laid with me while I did my Linguistics extra credit. Our professor said since our class as a whole did bad on the last test she was giving us all extra credit. It's really sad, but really nice of her. I didn't fail the test but it was definitely not my best work and I kind of have an excuse since I missed a whole week for the honeymoon. Other than that, it's dead week and next week is finals... Then SPRING BREAK!!! Let's just hope it stops raining here or I really do get to go somewhere warm and sunny for break.

Oh, so some awesome news. Richard sent his resume (that I wrote) to Makers Studio, which is a YouTube studio. They are hiring some interns so he thought he'd give it a try. Well, they emailed him back this morning and they have been talking a bit I guess. So hopefully that will take off for him!

I think that is all the exciting news from the Little household on this rainy Monday. Hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to an awesome week.




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