
Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Update

So not much exciting has been going on for us. Yesterday was super crappy and we lost a good friend, but oh well... People change and there is nothing you can do about that. It's just really sad to me to see this kind of thing happen. But, I don't want to talk about sad things so it's time for a....
This coming week is huge for us. There is just a crazy amount of stuff going on. Tonight the hubby and I are going to see 21 Jump Street. We will let you know how that one is. But either way, Channing Tatum is in it so I'll be happy.
Then tomorrow we are leaving to the beach to hang out with some friends and celebrate St Patricks Day :)
Monday starts finals week!!!! Ugh. So I have one final on Tuesday at 8am. Who does that? Ridiculous. Then I have to have a paper turned in that day by 2. It's almost done so I am not worried about that. Next final isn't until Friday. So I get the whole week to basically relax.
But, two other important things are getting ready to happen. Richard leaves on Wednesday for Playlist Live. If you don't know what that is, check their website. It's a YouTube convention in Florida so hopefully he will have a lot of fun. He also has a meeting with an LA Film School... All really exciting things for him.
So my coming week isnt as cool. Finals. But then, Friday is the most important thing since Harry Potter.... The Hunger Games! I cannot even tell you how excited I am. Oh man it is going to be amazing. I hope everyone goes to see it.
“I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun”.
-Katniss Everdeen
Once Richard gets home from Orlando and Los Angeles it's spring break time. We aren't quite sure what we are doing yet, but probably a little time at the beach. Anyone have some good suggestions?

Remember tomorrow is a new tutorial. :) so I'll chat with you all then.

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