
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Avery's Bucket List

Hey everyone, I ran across this story today about a little girl who is 5 months old and was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). It is the number one genetic killer of infants and children under two. The problem is, people are not automatically tested for it and many doctors do not offer it. Most times you must request for this to be added to all the other genetic testing. 1 in 40 people are carriers of SMA.

That's Avery. Isn't she absolutely adorable?

Please follow her blog, or at least read it and share it with everyone you know. The word needs to be spread about SMA so that one day there will be a world that no baby will die from it. Right now there is no testing being done but something needs to change about that. I for one hope I never have to watch my baby suffer like this.


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