
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Book Storage Tutorial

Hey guys, I've got a great new tutorial for you:) I love going to the craft stores and finding things to make. Sometimes though, you walk in there and see all these great things but have no idea what to do with them. Well, one thing I found last time I was in there was this cardboard book. I've always wanted a fake book to it on a shelf or table to store stuff in. Finally I was able to do it without destroying one of the books that I love.


Cardboard Book- found at Michael's or another craft store

Painters Tape

Assorted Sizes of Paintbrushes

Stencils of you're choosing- or anything else you want to decorate your book with

Paint in however many colors you'd like




First, tape off any areas on the book that you do not want to be your base color. For me, this was the stripes on the spine of the book and what would be considered the pages.

Once you have the book taped start painting. I used a sponge brush to paint the bulk of it. The sponge brushes leave less streaks in my opinion and I like the look that leaves. The paint will soak into the cardboard so you may need more paint than you think.

Once the base color is dry, peel of the tape you have already put on the book. Next, tape the outsides of where you took off the tape. This will make it so you can paint the smaller areas in the color of your choice.

I had to paint over some of my base color, so the red needed a few coats. Let each coat dry between a new coat.




Using a really small paintbrush, make any touch-ups that are needed. I mostly needed mine along the spine where I had done the red painting.









Once the spine was dry I opened it up and taped off the bottom part of the book. I used yellow to paint the book where the pages would go and also the inside of the book. For this part I painted with a thicker paintbrush and that allowed for some streaks to be left in the yellow paint, which just happened to make them look like there was pages :)





Once the inside is all dry, close the book up. Grab your stencil and place it on the book how you would like.

I used Martha Stewart stencils that I found at Michaels. I know I use a lot of her products, but I like the quality of them the most. They last well and the paint works on everything, literally everything! I love it so that is why I recommend everyone use it to :)

Anyways, back to the book. Use different sized brushes to paint the different parts of the stencil if you are doing it like I am. I used red for the flowers to match the spine and green for the leaves.

There is my final product. Now I can put it on my craft shelf to store all my little knick-knacks in. Perfect right?

Go out and craft! If you make a book storage take a picture and send it to me :)







Check out my YouTube channel too!


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