
Friday, July 20, 2012

Hectic Week is OVER!!!!!

This week has been absolutely insane! Let me give you the weekly breakdown.

Monday was the hubby's surgery. He didn't get anything done that will help heal his shoulder, but now we know what is wrong. His doctor used a camera and inserted it in the front of his shoulder and then into the back of his shoulder. Basically, his humeral head is non-existent now. It can be from a few things, but most likely from not moving it. His body stopped sending blood to that part of the bone because it wasn't being used and the bone died and was absorbed. So his shoulder joint is just cartilage. Now, you may be asking, what is the course of treatment? Well, after my brief discussion with his doctor after the surgery he told me three options. Obviously the first is a joint replacement. He can also drill holes into the bone to get blood back into the humeral head and hopefully the bone will regrow. The last is a joint replacement, but using a donor humeral head from a cadaver. As of right now I have no clue which way this is going to go. We meet with his doctor on August 1st, so we will know then and hopefully begin scheduling his next surgeries.

An hour after we got home from the hospital with Richard I was at the vet. For some reason we may never know, Coco had a seizure. That was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced. My poor puppy was so scared. We ended up watching her over night and giving her muscle relaxers. The next day she was so much better. Hopefully that never happens again.

The rest of the week was uneventful compared to Monday, but let's just say I am glad it's over. Last night/this morning, the hubby and I went to see The Dark Night Rises. Three hours later, it was really good. I enjoyed it a lot, but I won't say too much because I hate when people ruin movies for me. Just go see it.

My heart thoroughly goes out to the families affected by the Dark Knight Rises shooting in Aurora, CO. It is so sad that someone could be so messed up that they begin a shooting at a movie premiere, seemingly at random. Everyone is in my prayers, including the shooter and his family. I hope that everyone can find peace at this time of tragedy.

So there you have it, a quick rundown of the important highlights from my week. :)



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