
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Happy holidays everyone! I just love this time of year. Today I spent all day baking two types of cookies and two types of donuts. Yum right?

Baked Cake Donuts
2 cups cake flour, sifted
3/4 cup granulated sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup buttermilk

2 large eggs, lightly beaten

2 tablespoons butter, melted

Bake at 425 for 7-8 minutes


Pure deliciousness. I covered some in powdered sugar and some in a glaze. I mixed 2 cups powdered sugar with 1/4 milk and vanilla in a pan on warm. Then dipped the donuts in and covered them in sprinkles.



That's my new favorite holiday picture. It's just missing one of our cats, but the fact that I got Coco to participate and Opie to look so cute makes it good enough for me.


Happy holidays to everyone! Enjoy it safely.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Cookies :)

This week I made some freakin awesome Christmas cookies... Or any time of year cookies. But yeah, here is the recipe.

2 cups flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

2/3 cup unsifted powdered sugar

1/4 cup granulated sugar

2 1/2 sticks unsalted butter (cut in chunks)

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp of food coloring of your choice

1 1/2 cup holiday sprinkles

  1. With a mixer combine all the dry ingredients.
  2. Add in the butter a little at a time and then add in the vanilla. Mix well.
  3. Divide dough into two parts, dye one and leave one plain... Or really however you would like to do this part.
  4. Flatten out each section of dough onto a piece of wax paper. Place these in the fridge for at let a couple hours.
  5. Once they are ready to come our of the fridge, place one flat on top of the other. You are going to roll this up into one log. I had some difficulty with the dough falling apart on this, so I used the wax paper to help roll. I also didn't care too much about what the swirls looked like.
  6. When you have your log, roll it so the outside is covered in sprinkles.
  7. Slice into 1/4"-1/8" slices. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes or just lightly golden.
Seriously, these are the best cookies ever! The best part is you can easily change it up by switching the sprinkle, colors, or even adding flavors. Enjoy everyone :)


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crochet Giraffe

I have become addicted to crocheting lately. Seriously, it relaxes me. So I decided to start crocheting some extra Christmas present for my nieces and nephews. Below is the giraffe I made from this pattern. I am really happy how it turned out seeing it was my first stuffed animal to make.

What homemade gifts are you all making this year? Love you all.




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday oh Tuesday

Apparently my animals think I need to wake up at 7:30.... They must not have gotten the memo that I no longer have class and can sleep in. And my husband is so sweet laying there in bed "Alana, wake up. Coco needs to go out." Well then, take her out! Oh well... It gave me a chance to go to the gym early this morning and then come back home and crawl into bed. That's right, I went to the gym, showered and went back to sleep. Ah the life of the unemployed.

The hubby and I went to see Playing for Keeps tonight and let me just tell you, Gerard Butler, oh my goodness that man is gorgeous. The movie was really good and a total chick flick, but I think the hubby liked it as much as I did :)

Tomorrow he has a doctor appointment for his arm. Hopefully more good news and maybe this time they will put in orders for physical therapy. Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful he has the VA system to take care of all this so we don't have to worry about cost, but they are so forgetful or take FOREVER to do something sometimes I wished we did pay. For example, we went into his appointment oh about two and a half months ago and his doctor was supposed to put in orders for a six week appt and also physical therapy... That never happened. Tomorrow is his six week appointment about four weeks to late. But whatever. I really don't want to bash on the VA system too much because we are just really lucky they are taking care of all of this.

Anyways, I will update you more on his shoulder tomorrow and the end of this week will be the final grades update :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello my loves,

I've been busy... You've been busy... We are all busy. So, I won't bother you with excuses but here's the full update of the hubby and I since I stopped blogging.

We got a new baby kitty. His name is Opie, after the character from Sons of Anarchy. The hubby and I watched all the seasons in about 1-2 weeks. We are addicted.

There he is in all his furry glory. Absolutely precious right?

I just finished my last (fingers crossed) term of school. As of right now I know my grades in two of five classes... Just waiting on the rest so hopefully I know all of them at the end of this week.

The hubby took another trip to LA and had an interview with Full Screen, so fingers crossed on that job for him. It's exactly what he wants and needs. Plus, I think we are about 80% sure on moving down there early next year.

We booked our first anniversary cruise to the Caribbean. I am so excited. We leave February 3rd and get back on the 9th. I'm really nervous about the flight though. It's a long one and in the middle of the night, so no sleep for this girl.

I have been having a huge struggle with weight and medicine. A side effect of all my medicine is weight gain, and that I have been doing. The hubby got me a new gym membership today which is a huge help. I've been feeling really blah and down lately. It's time to start working on new medicines as well. Hopefully soon I can start feeling like a normal human being.

For right now, that is all I can think of. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season and as we make huge decisions for our life together.

With love


Friday, December 7, 2012

Party catch-up 2

Gabriel's Cowboy Bash

This little cowboy had am awesome 3rd birthday party. His mom, Laura, along with Glitter and Gold created an awesome event. Here's some of our favorite pictures from it.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Party catch-up

Avery's Monster Bash
October 18th was my nephew Avery's first birthday! His mom and I threw him quite the monster bash. This was also the party that made me want to start a party planning business. But more on that later :) Here are some of my favorite pics from the day.

Happy birthday boy!



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Back to Blogging

I am finally back to blogging. I am done with this term of school and now have the waiting until grades are posted. I will know by Christmas if I am a college graduate. Almost there.

This one is going to be short and sweet... Longer blogs in the future with LOTS of new crafts and projects. Exciting new things for the hubby and I :)

That's our new baby Opie. Yes, he is named after a Sons of Anarchy character. He is an adorable yet annoying little guy.

Hubby is in LA right now and had a job interview with Full Screen earlier today. Keep your fingers crossed for this opportunity for him.

Check back soon for more updates and cool things.

With love,