That is how I feel right now. It is almost the end of June and I have only posted twice.... TWICE!!! Good gracious. Well, since it is now summer vacation for me I will do better. I PROMISE! Someone hold me to it.
I'm going to start with a little update on the Hubby and I. We are both still alive, just preparing for BIG things to come this summer. On Wednesday morning we leave for LA/Anaheim. He will be attending Vidcon and I will be attending the poolside. I will make sure to blog while I am there :) His 22nd birthday is on Thursday! Which is pretty exciting, but I have no clue what we will be doing since we already celebrated with Coldstone and presents. Then we get back from Cali and it's already the Fourth of July. Gracious. Then it's almost my 23rd birthday.... After that it is finally time for Richard's shoulder surgery. I am so stinking excited for that. He will finally be getting better and being able to move his arm. I'll make sure to record him after surgery when he is still drugged up to for everyone's entertainment.
I think that is kind of it right now... Well it is at least all the important stuff. I am going to do much much much better at blogging, and I know I have said that before, but this time I will.
Right now we are watching True Blood. I love this show. I got hooked on it earlier this month and watched all four seasons so that I could be prepared for this season. I hate getting addicted to shows because when the new season starts I am so impatient I hate waiting a week to watch the next episode. I am sure that is a problem everyone has.
My other favorite summer show is So You Think You Can Dance? It is my all time favorite. Vegas week just ended and next week we find out the top 20 and I think I already have my winner picked. Well my girl winner that is. Alexa. That girl is AMAZING! Just watch her video below. You won't regret it. Plus, she is a gorgeous girl. Hopefully soon I will have my top boys pick :)
I am thinking of starting a new Pinterest section. Every week I will highlight a recipie/home tip that I find on Pinterest and do it and review it. I always find stuff on there and think, "I love it, but that can't be possible". So now I am going to put some of those things to the test. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. Plus, if you find anything you'd like me to test out, you can forward it to me or whatever and I can try it :)
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